8 Easy Ways to Save on Your Grocery Bill

The average American household spends more than $4,300 on groceries each year, a figure that rises to more than $7,000 when restaurants and takeout are included. That’s a big chunk of change that you ultimately have control over. That stat may have you thinking about how you can cut back on your next trip to the grocery store, so I’ve put together eight easy ways to save on your grocery bill.

1. Make a List

This tip may sound basic, but one of the biggest ways to save on groceries each month is to make a shopping list and stick to it. It’s easy to get distracted by what grocery stores want you to buy, since those items are placed on the ends of aisles, or end caps, to entice you. By making a list and sticking to it, you’ll walk away with only what you need.

2. Download Your Grocery Store’s App

Stores such as Kroger, Target and Walmart have apps with coupons and digital deals that are often exclusive to the app. Kroger even uses your shopping habits and purchase history to send you customized coupons and freebies for the things you buy most. It’s one of the easiest ways to save on groceries.

3. Plan Meals Ahead

Whether you’re meal prepping for an entire week or just trying to get more organized, planning your meals down to the individual ingredients is a smart way to save on groceries. First, you’ll get a good idea of what you have in your pantry and what you need to purchase so you don’t overspend. Second, it’s easier to control the quantities of food you buy when you know exactly how much of each item you need.

4. Make the Most of What You Have

You may think you need to go grocery shopping, but in reality you have everything you need to make a few days’ worth of meals lying around in your pantry. Taking stock of what you have before you go shopping will prevent you from spending more on groceries than you need to.

5. Stick to Whole Foods

One of the largest costs at a grocery store is packaged and processed foods in the middle aisles. Before shopping, ask yourself if you really need any of these items or if you’d be better off sticking to fruits, vegetables, whole grains and meats from the outer ring of the store. You can make fantastic meals with just a few fresh ingredients, and you may find that you enjoy them more than their frozen or pre-packed counterparts.

6. Shop Store Brands

Unless you just have to have a specific brand, it’s best to go for the store brand instead. It’s incredible how much you can save by replacing a few brand-name staples with the store brand. In most cases, you won’t even be able to tell the difference. I’ve found that many store brands are actually better than their counterparts.

7. Buy in Bulk

Alcohol and meat are two of the biggest expenses at the grocery store, aside from pre-packaged foods and luxury items. You can save a considerable amount of money by adjusting your diet.

8. Cut Back on Alcohol and Meat

Whether you’re meal prepping for an entire week or just trying to get more organized, planning your meals down to the individual ingredients is a smart way to save on groceries. First, you’ll get a good idea of what you have in your pantry and what you need to purchase so you don’t overspend. Second, it’s easier to control the quantities of food you buy when you know exactly how much of each item you need.


And there you have it: eight easy tips for saving big at the grocery store. Some of the stores on this list are Rakuten partners, so you can earn Cash Back while you shop in store or online. If you’re not a member, it’s easy to sign up. Join today.

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