No matter whether it’s too cold, too rainy, or too late you can play a round of golf anytime with the OptiShot 2 SwingPad Golf Simulator. It is equipped with sixteen precisely-tuned, high-speed 48MHz infrared sensors to track every movement of your favorite club to give you real-time, accurate feedback. The swing pad is pre-loaded with fifteen gold rated courses so you can play an amazing round anytime and in the comfort of your own home. OptiShot SwingPad 2 Design 16 high-speed infrared sensors to monitor your swing before, after, and during contact with the ball Each infrared sensor is calibrated to track your favorite club USB port and wire to connect with your compatible Mac® or PC Hole to place the included golf tee 2 foam golf balls Included Courses: The Golf Club Scottsdale Long Island Black Torrey White Torrey Black Palm Desert Mountains Palm Desert Canyons Barsebäck Golf Club Black Mountain The Canadian Club österåkers Golf Club West Maui Plantation Warwick Hills Golf & Country Club Fylde Links Cogs Corner Twisted Twig Windows® Minimum System Requirements: Windows® Vista 7, 8 or 10 (latest service packs) Graphics Card: 256MB available Adapter RAM with OpenGL 2.0 support and the latest Video Drivers (no more than 18 months old) 3GB Hard Disk Drive Storage 4GB RAM USP 2.0 port Internet connection for software installation, updates, Platinum course delivery, and online play