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Springtime Treasures Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Purple | Teleflora

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Pitcher perfect! Finished with an iridescent glaze, this food-safe ceramic pitcher lends a country vibe to a stylish springtime bouquet of roses and mums. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T22E210A - Springtime Treasures Bouquet - Multi - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement

Springtime Treasures Bouquet | Mixed Bouquets | Same Day Flower Delivery | Purple | Teleflora

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Teleflora Flowers
Sold byTeleflora Flowers
Teleflora is a Los Angeles–based flower-delivery company. It sources its flowers from an extensive network of over 30,000 florists in the U.S., Canada and other regions outside North America. Each floral arrangement is handcrafted with care and attention to detail by a skilled local florist, adding a personalized touch that sets Teleflora apart from its competition. Whether celebrating a joyful milestone, expressing condolences or simply brightening someone’s day, Teleflora’s bouquets will artfully convey your emotions. Some of the products offered by Teleflora are below. Fresh floral arrangements: ​​Teleflora offers a broad selection of fresh floral arrangements meticulously crafted to suit every occasion. Its bouquets feature a variety of flowers, including carnations, daisies, lilies, orchids, roses, tulips and chrysanthemums.  Plants: In addition to its large catalog of flowers, Teleflora delivers lush, green plants to enhance the ambiance of any space. From orchids to succulents, the service offers everything you need to add a touch of nature to your space.  Keepsake containers: Teleflora also offers charming keepsake containers such as vases and ceramic pots. Gift baskets: Teleflora’s gourmet gift baskets include treats and delicacies, making them perfect for expressing appreciation or celebrating special moments.

Product details

Pitcher perfect! Finished with an iridescent glaze, this food-safe ceramic pitcher lends a country vibe to a stylish springtime bouquet of roses and mums. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Lavender roses, purple daisy spray chrysanthemums, green carnations and purple limonium are arranged with silver dollar eucalyptus and pitta negra. Delivered in Teleflora's Pour on the Pretty pitcher. Orientation: All-Around. Teleflora P_T22E210A - Springtime Treasures Bouquet - Multi - Flower Delivery, Standard Arrangement
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