Does Hers have coupons?
Coupons are available for many of the telehealth options at Hers. The coupons are typically for first-time users, so check for coupons before you sign up.
Can I get coupons on Hers products?
Telehealth is the first thing you see on the Hers website, but it also offers several other products, including sexual health products, skin-care items and supplements. Some coupons may apply to those products, so check before you place your order.
Can I get a free consultation at Hers?
Hers offers many consultations for free, so you can ensure the company has solutions to the problems you’re experiencing. A consultation is a good starting point without having to spend money to determine if Hers has the right options for you.
How long do Hers coupons last?
Hers offers coupons with varying expiration dates. Some may be good for only a few days, while others may be accepted for months. Always check the terms and conditions of the coupon you plan to use to ensure it will work.