
Shopping Secrets

Teavana offers premium teas to perfect your favorite tea routines. As a teacher of 24 and a mom of three, it can be hard to etch out a little time for myself every day. But when I’m able to catch my breath, I love making myself a richly flavored pot of Teavana tea. As soon as I start to sip on my favorite green tea, my whole body begins to relax and I feel ready to take on whatever the rest of the day may bring. Teavana has so many different varieties and yummy flavors of tea that I can change up my relaxation routine as often as I like and still have more teas to choose from! For excellent savings, check out these deals and exclusives online at Teavana:

Save Up To 75% During the Annual Sale:

Keep an eye out for Teavana’s annual sale and save up to 75%. Find deep discounts on your favorite Teavana teas at the giant annual sales event and get ready to save big!

Shop Sale Items and Save Over 30%:

Get awesome everyday savings at Teavana and stock up when you shop the sale section.

Save Up To 20% when You Order in Bulk:

Save more when you buy more. You can take 10% off a one pound order of tea, 15% off two pounds or more and 20% off when you order five pounds of tea. You don’t have to order just one type of tea either. Mix and match to your heart’s delight and still enjoy the discount.

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